A marriage
Hallo Diary.
I remembered something....!
When I was a little girl I always said I hate to get married and so on.
And you know what, now I really feel that I want a man who loves me and want to have a family with me. I want a boy and a girl and their names are going to be, Theo and Esmeralda.
Or maybe I need to ask their father too? Well I know he will listen to me, he has no other chooses.
A week ago I and my family went to look at a house that was for sale, and it was a typical little house for a little family. I felt so empty inside. I mean I am still young right?
I don't have to feel pressure to get married and stuff? I mean I have school to go too.
But when I was in my hometown I felt like a loser, because I wasn´t engaged to anyone.
I mean if I wanted I would easy get engaged and married. The guy who I met at the beach asked me to be his wife, but of course I said no. I mean I am young, please say I am young?
I have always felt bad for the girls who got married at the early age. But now I don't know if I feel bad for them any long. In fact I think it is, in some way, good that they get married and start a family.
They don't need to work or go to school, their husband do everything that needs to be done.
The only things they need to do are coking and take care of their children,
Still it can be boring to do that every day, but I don't know I like the idée to not have to do anything and just be with my kids. And make dinner to my husband.
Too late for that dream, now I go to college and have to read 4 books in a short time, can't get any better. Well I hope I haven't waste my time unnecessary.
The positive thing with school is that I can have fun with guys three more years.
Another thing that was kind of interesting.
In summer they are so many girls who get married, with guys who live outside Kosovo. This old men (they usually are old, because young guys aren't ready to get married,) got to the hometown every summer, so they can see how they future wife body look like, and they pick one. I am not kidding latterly pick one. The guy can be 30 years old and the girl is only 17 years old. Talk about age different. Anyway, they choose one and get engaged goes back to his house outside their hometown.
He waits one year for the summer to come so he can get married.
The interesting part or the more the funny part is that in one day they are more than 30 girls who get married at the SAME DAY. When you get married you usually say, this is my day, but in my hometown it is not only your day, instead you have a wedding next to a another couple who also have they wedding at the same day. I mean how fun is that? I want to be the only one, at least in my town, who get married. I don't like sharing.
The reason why I haven't written this text in Swedish is because I want to get better when it comes to write in English. I am better at talking then writing.
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