The snow is back:(

image90Hallo Hallo To all of you who Reads my Diary!
As you see in my headline, the snow is back
Why now? I was so hoping for springtime to come, and instead we got snow:(
Well, I don´t have nothing agains snow but it is so cold:(
Anyway it was lovley to sleep to later, and just think abot everything!

 I hope it will not snow this much!

Things I have to do this coming week:

1. Study for my coming sciences test
2. Geography
3. Psychology ( Writte My anorexi eassay)
4. Learn all the traffic regulations
5. Read old English Text

There are much more I should do this week, but I can´t remember all of them!

  Actual this is Yesterday´s Outfit
I forgot to put this picture yesterday:(

1. My favorit skin jacket 
        Vero Moda
Price: 80 euro (800 kr)

2. Palestine shawl
Price: 10 euro (99 kr)

3. Old jeans
     Vero Moda
Can´t remember the price

4. White shirt
   Made by myself:)

5. Black jersey
Price: 15 euro (149:-)

6. Shoes
     Walk on
Price: 40 euro (399:-)


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