
Today I went to school as every other days!image88
The only different with today is that today was the last day for school!
Eastern vacation can begin!
Tomorrow I can sleep as long as I want, and do nothing!
I know what u thinking, "God she is so lazy"
Wrong again, I am not lazy!

Today me and Em went for training over bodies to the "Health centre" Gym in Swedish!
And I ran 7 km in a run machine, or what it called!

I love the feeling you get after training, you feel so light!
<------A run machine!

Tonight plans?
Well...I don't have any!
There is a party I could go to, but I don't feel for it!
So tonight I will watch films and talk to Kledi!
Tonight I won't let him work! Heheh!
I miss talking long hours with him!

Today's Greeting goes to a Guy named...
Pershendetja per zot shkon tek nji shok me emrin Nino!
Ai eshte një cun që,po thua gjithmonë, e lexon cka shkruaj në  kyt
lloj ditari, dhe do doja shume ta pershendes shume!
Te puth fort në Faqe!
                                                                   That`s it for today!


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