What have I done:(

Hallo Hallo!image96

Why can't I STOP promise people things?
Why do I have to say Yes instead of NO?
It is so much easier with a no!
  I had driving lessons today, and as you all know,
I can speak Albanish.
  My driving teacher asked me if I could translate
all the theory part of driving lesson to albanish?
And guess what I said? "Of course I can do that"
Thank God I said I need to talk to my mom first,
Now I can blame her if I don't want to translate,
like around 1000 questions!)

     Why does everything have to come when I don't have time?

I mean when I do have time to do things outside school, no one ask me for anything!

Huh, I have to do so much and I am not in mood for anythingL

I want to go to a place there no one will ask me to do anything, NO homework,

No driving lessons, No School, No work! Only shopping!

Why can't I be the happy girl who gets what she wants?

P.S I found the perfect dress to wear to a party, and u know what?
The dress was to big for me but no harm , I found some jeans I WILL buy, soon!

Maybe tomorrow

Now I have to go. And start to do my homework,

NO more I have time I Can do it tomorrow.

It `s now or never!

Today´s Shop
Reebok Shoes


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