Grattis Tina Norlund
Vinnaren av Let´s Dance 2008 blev Tina Norlund!
Rätt par vann, Hon var klart bäst!
Grattis än en gång Tina!
Kënga ma e bukur në botë!
Teksti tek kjo kënge që vjen nga qielli, nga nji Yll!
Ndoshta me nuk ia vlen
Te humbas ne syt e tu
Jo ti s'ke pse genjen
I qarte shkrimi ne blu
Se kur hena diellin e fsheh
Veq rrezet i mbulon
Per nje qast freskia te deh
Por eklipsi shpejt mbaron
Ndoshta me nuk ia vlen
Te zgjohem me mendjen tek ti
Ose nisesh e vjen
Por une fluturoj qe te vije
Sepse ndryshe s'do te kishte mbarim
Zjarr i fshehur ne uje
Me ndihmo engjelli im
Zjarrin ta shpetoj
Jo nuk dua ta pranoj
Fati te na ndaj,
Dua ta mbroj dashurin e saj
Do ta mbroj me syt e Zotit
Si nje perl ne pik te lotit
Do ta mbroj
Te jetoj
Dashuri e saj.
Ndoshta me nuk ja vlen
Ndoshta me nuk ja vlen
te zgjohem me mendje tek ti
dua pran te te kem
pa malle pa largesi
Ndryshe s'do kishte mbarim
Zjarr i fshehur ne uje
Me ndihmo engjelli im
Zjarrin ta shpetoj
Jo nuk dua ta pranoj
Fati te na ndaj
Dua ta mbroj dashurin e saj

För er som har läst min blogg, har märkt att jag har skrivit på engelska.
Varför? Inte för att jag är bra på engelska,
men för att jag ville att alla ska kunna läsa min blogg.
Samtidigt så är denna bloggen för min skull, så att jag ska kunna
se hur mycket jag har gjort i mitt liv.
Det är synd att jag inte började blogga för ett år sedan, då hade den här bloggen
varit mycket roligare!
Men men, man får väl ta och festa lite mer så att det bloggen och mitt liv blir roligare än det är nu.
Idag har det varit en slapp dag!
Sov till sen, kläde på mig, ringde Em och stack till stan utan Emelie:(
Istället fick jag stå ut med min syster.
Men det var värt det, för jag hittade ett par fina jeans hos Vero Moda.

Kostade bara 299 kronor!
Nu blir det sängen för min del, klockan är mycket 1:17!
P.S. Jag dör av längtan till imorn, för då ska jag och Em måla hennes vardagsrum:)
Muaah to you all, Bye!
What have I done:(
Hallo Hallo!
Why can't I STOP promise people things?
Why do I have to say Yes instead of NO?
It is so much easier with a no!
I had driving lessons today, and as you all know,
I can speak Albanish.
My driving teacher asked me if I could translate
all the theory part of driving lesson to albanish?
And guess what I said? "Of course I can do that"
Thank God I said I need to talk to my mom first,
Now I can blame her if I don't want to translate,
like around 1000 questions!)
Why does everything have to come when I don't have time?
I mean when I do have time to do things outside school, no one ask me for anything!
Huh, I have to do so much and I am not in mood for anythingL
I want to go to a place there no one will ask me to do anything, NO homework,
No driving lessons, No School, No work! Only shopping!
Why can't I be the happy girl who gets what she wants?
P.S I found the perfect dress to wear to a party, and u know what?
The dress was to big for me but no harm , I found some jeans I WILL buy, soon!
Maybe tomorrow
Now I have to go. And start to do my homework,
NO more I have time I Can do it tomorrow.
It `s now or never!

Party Outfit?

Here I am again!
Today I haven´t done anything at all, except taking picture of me!
I am such a ego girl!
Remember the list I made few days ago?
It is not going well with it:(
I started to do my geography essay and it went well, but now I am tired of it!
The best part of my day:
¤ My parents went away for 5 H!
¤ I talked to Andreas and I going to the cinema with him soon.
¤ I earned 30 euro today!
¤ I played with my cam
¤ I talked to my friends
I am so sorry...

My vacation has started and I am not enjoying it:(
Today I didn´t slept as much as I wanted, thanks to my sister.
She woke me early for no reason!
But it´s okay I am over it!
Well I haven´t done anything fun today:(
The positive thing with today is that the snow has
This day has been like dead, I have felt lazy today and very tired!
I started to read my geography book but I got bored.
Well I will give it a chance later on, maybe it will go better.
Remember Kledi, the american guy?

The biggest Kiss for today goes to him!
Why? Becuase I was kind of mean to him yesterday.
I was very passive and tired. So Kledi I am so sorry for being lazy and not listening to what you were saying!
Hope to see you tonight and I promise to behave:D
You are the best!
Kisss ne faqe cun i keq ne menyre te mirë:P
(Kledi, with his sunglasses)------->
The snow is back:(

As you see in my headline, the snow is back
Why now? I was so hoping for springtime to come, and instead we got snow:(
Well, I don´t have nothing agains snow but it is so cold:(
Anyway it was lovley to sleep to later, and just think abot everything!

I hope it will not snow this much!
Things I have to do this coming week:

1. Study for my coming sciences test
2. Geography
3. Psychology ( Writte My anorexi eassay)
4. Learn all the traffic regulations
5. Read old English Text
There are much more I should do this week, but I can´t remember all of them!
Actual this is Yesterday´s Outfit
I forgot to put this picture yesterday:(

1. My favorit skin jacket
Vero Moda
Price: 80 euro (800 kr)
2. Palestine shawl
Price: 10 euro (99 kr)
3. Old jeans
Vero Moda
Can´t remember the price
4. White shirt
Made by myself:)
5. Black jersey
Price: 15 euro (149:-)
6. Shoes
Walk on
Price: 40 euro (399:-)
Today I went to school as every other days!
The only different with today is that today was the last day for school!
Eastern vacation can begin!
Tomorrow I can sleep as long as I want, and do nothing!
I know what u thinking, "God she is so lazy"
Wrong again, I am not lazy!
Today me and Em went for training over bodies to the "Health centre" Gym in Swedish!
And I ran 7 km in a run machine, or what it called!
I love the feeling you get after training, you feel so light! <------A run machine!
Tonight plans?
Well...I don't have any!
There is a party I could go to, but I don't feel for it!
So tonight I will watch films and talk to Kledi!
Tonight I won't let him work! Heheh!
I miss talking long hours with him!
Today's Greeting goes to a Guy named...
Pershendetja per zot shkon tek nji shok me emrin Nino!
Ai eshte një cun që,po thua gjithmonë, e lexon cka shkruaj në kyt
lloj ditari, dhe do doja shume ta pershendes shume!
Te puth fort në Faqe!
That`s it for today!

My day has been great!
I went to school at 7:30 as always!
Had Geography all day long!
After over work with aboriginal I choose to learn
how hydroelectric power work (water power) works and it that it the best way to win energy out of it!
I know it sounds boring, but it is a little bit interesting as well, I hope! I need to start with it at once, otherwise it will never get done!
Tomorrow is the last day in school!
Good Bye School and Welcome Easter vacation!
I forgot to say, me and Em are going to start to the gym tomorrow. I can't wait to train my body;)
P.S A guy in over school asks a friend of mine and Em if we are lesbian! Ha-ha isn't that fun?
No I am not lesbian and neither is Em!
I love her so much, she is the friend a girl can have!
Well that's all for today!
Now I have to do some homework!
Welcome back my Love

I think it went well, but I am not going to be too happy about it,
because you never know!
After Math, I and Em went to have a look at the new shoes store
Sko Design, who had premier today (17/3-2008).
Yes they had beautiful shoes, but it was too expensive for my Budget!
They had so many Replay shoes, and they were so beautiful :( To bad they cost like 150 euro :( Well. Well there is nothing I can do about it.
So no shoes for me today but I found a very lovely shirt at Vero Moda. So tomorrow I must buy it!
The best part is that it only cost 16 euro!
That all for today!
Now I am going to relax and watch TV.
So Good that I don't need to do any more homework!
And you know what, Week 13 is Vacation!
God that good!
P.S My kiss for today goes to My Love!
And welcome back to my life!
I missad you to much!

Në shqip
Puthje më e madhe per sot shkon
per nji Cun shume të mire,
qe e kam shume Xhan,
por per fat te qek ska emer:P
Gëzuar Ditlindjen Bledi

Shumë Urime për ty
Shumë Urime për ty
Shumë Urime per Bledin!
Kush ështe Bledi?
Një shok i vjeter që sot bën 23 vjec!
Today I have been at school, as always..!
I had a psychology according. I talked about a movie we watched, last week,
who called," My Life is Pink".
The movie was about a little boy at the age, seventeen who felt that he was born
in a wrong body, so he wanted to be a girl!
But the community didn't accept him and so problem proceeded and things got worst.
Over job was to explain why this boy feels like he does, and how the people around him react when they found out the truth about him. So we had to choose one perspective, so I choose the cognitive perspective.
So it went really well ;)
Then after psychology I came home and slept until now!
P-S it is a French movie so I don't have any picture of how the film look like.

Tunic, Vero Moda
Legging. HM
Shoes, Vagabond (walk on)
Good Friends are worth Gold

As you see this is the best girl on earth.
And Yes she is my best friend!
Namn: Emelie Johnsson
Age: 18 years old
Live: In Mörrum ( a very fancy place)
Do for living: Go to school and love to sing 24/7, all the time.
She is a very good singer.
As you see in this picture, she is a smart blondy with a magic smile:)

Me and Anna
Anna is also 18 years old and she Lives in the most
fancy place, called Asarum.
She goes to school of course, and she is so good at painting.
I have known Anna for 6 Years now, and she is so cool!
Other friends of mine are: Anna M, Lydia, Maria Matilda, Andreas and so on...
I wil try to take picture with them ;) (Not a promis)
My day
Today I have been in school, done my homework, boring things!
That`s why I tryed to make my day little bit funny and put my friend into my Blog!
Muaah to all!
I am out of here, have to study:( (Agian)
Women´s Day

This Vase with roses is For My Mother,
who I love so much!
I know we argue sometimes but I know that she want´s my best!
And I love her so much, more then anyone in this world!
I really don´t know what I would do without my mom!
So thats why she will live 110 years so I never have to be without her!
Now you probably wondering what I did for her?
Well I baked a Carrot Cake and she bought some shoes, that she liked:)

I would love to have a picture of how My Mother look like, but I can´t.
Because she doesn´t want to!
Gëzuar diten e grave, për te gjithë gratë e botës!
Happy Internationall Women´s day, from me to all women in this world!

My Shopping Bag;)
Today I went for shopping and found this lovely shoes and Clothes!
The shoes and The lovely Jeans The sweater in gray color:)
1. Jeans jacket (Only) From Karl-Oskar och Kristana (swedish store)
Price: 299 :- (30 euro)
2. The sweater from the Same store as the Jeans Jacket.
Price: 199 :- (20 euro)
3. Shoes, Vagabond from Walk On
Price 400 :- (40 euro)
So I spented 90 euro, thats not to much right?
I didn´t got the change to wear the shoes and the clothes to show how it look at me, but I will do it soon:)
Except shopping I have slept to late;) I love to sleep.
I promised that I will write what the theater was about and Here it Goes:
The theater was about a normal swedish teenage guy who Loved Party and alcohol!
Kenta( the guy) goes his last year in Hight school and He doesn´t know what to do after school.
He also has a job at Margarine Factory.
One day he meet a divel who promis him to make all his dreams come true.
But they questions is if that make him happy, and does he feel that he has found his happyness?
Isn´t so that every guy want a hot girl, money and to have fun?
I must say thet the thearter was interesting, for beeing a hight school pupil who played it.
Very well done!
Party coming up..

Well Harry's didn't get in off of us last Friday so why not visit again ;)
To bad Anna hasn't her birthday tomorrow, so that she could come with to the party ;)
My day has been the same, school boring stuff like since and Math, Huh hard stuff to play with!
After school I came home and watched TV, as always, and I did my first theoretic test in my
drive license test and I got 94,6 % only 2 questions wrong. I am so proud of myself, to know so much
without reading the book :)
More then this hasn't happen! I think we are going to watch a theatre tomorrow. I hope it is a good one :)
P.S I will try to write what the theatre is about, If I understand it ;)
Now I have to look at my math booksa and study.
God I Hate derivative!
But I have to do well at the test on next Monday!
Ronneby Brunn
Except that I tryed my Prom dress who has a Gold color.
I must say that it looked very good at me, so I am kind of happy I guess!
I wanna go to a spa and just relax.

Ronneby Brunn - Blekinge
It only cost 10 euro to swim and be in a jaccuzi ;)
Em we must go there, we can´t wait until summer!
Well I don´t have any money and I need to buy some heels!
What a crapy world I wanna be rich!
Thats all for today!
Now I have to study math!
Homework never ends:(
Muaaaaaah all!
Top Five Eye Candy
1. David Beckhams = the hotiest guy alive!
Always a eye candy for me!

D = Dreamy
A = Amazing Hot
V = Victoria´s Man :(
I = Inteligjent
D = Durty rich
Who wouldn´t want him for on day or night?
2. Orlando Bloom
He is so cutie and a very good acter!
3. Channing Tatum

He is a breath taker. Hot Hot Hot!
Absolutly a eye candy!
4.Shpat Kasapi - Albanien hotie

His a singer in Albanian.
Born in Tetova (Macadonien) 1 may 1985.
Lives in Macadonien and Albanien
His hit song is "Largohu"
And after that came many good song from this hotie.
My favoirte is "Kush te ndaj prej meje"
Wanna hear this songs? Check his homepage
5. The last one is Adam Brody

He is the cuties guy!
And he is funny aswell!
A eye candy and a dreamy!
The winners

Linda Bengtzing - hur svårt ska det va?
Diffently the right song!
Litle rock and roll song, very cute!

Charlotte Perelli - Hero
A very very very good song!
Loved did so much!
And her dress was Gorgeous, and she looked perfect!
Absolutly the right song who went on to Stockholm!
Now we just have to wait and see who will represent Sweden on European song contest!
Now back to msn so I can talk to Kledi;)
Muaaaaaaaaah all!
This week
Day one: School (math, spanish, home, sleep, study)
Day two: school ( collage information, and ekonomi)
Day three: School ( Geography accouting about aboriginal, who went verrrry well)
Day four: school (sciences all day long, we hade a little test and it went very good, better then I thgought)
Day five, last ngiht it was party time ( student ball) at Harrys, a very ugly name the pub has but it was very nice place, very London stile!
I did took some pictures of me and my friend, but they aren´t the so good:(
It is very dark and you can´t see a shit!
So next time I will take my camera and not use my mobil cam!
Anyway We had so much fun, and we danced so much that my feet hurst as hell!
No more heels, I always say that and still I go in heels.
To night I will look at European song contest (only for sweden)

Thise are the are the artist who will sing tonight!
Thats it for today, Now I have to return to the spanish studing, A big test coming up on Monday:(
Muahh to you all!